One thing all Patriots and conspiracy theorists can agree on is that the WEF is evil and be dismantled and lost to the ash heap of history.
The CIA and the Federal Reserve should follow suit.
Preliminary research on this woman shows that she was a woke lib pushing for vaccines, social justice, masks and other such gheyness.
Therefore, it is understandable to feel weary and even concerned about Elon's choice.
To lecture people on feeling that way is not a smart idea considering all that we have gone through as a group has given us justifiable trust issues.
We've seen so many people backstab Trump or others who seemed to be rock solid. Whether that is kayfabe, acting or any other form of WWE, or very real, is not as important as we watch as those who report news to our frens and family to the best of our ability. Our goal is to awaken people and do exactly what God is calling us to do specifically in each of our lives. At least, that's how I see it.
There is a level of bitterness that many in the community seem to exhibit and that's completely fine. Obviously, this has been a bittersweet journey in many ways.
We've realized just how corrupt the system we live within (Babylon) truly is.
But I highly recommend giving some of that bitterness over to God and allowing yourself to rest for even just a few moments.
Living in that resentment, while initially an important part of the awakening process, is not conducive to a healthy mindset. I think that groaning for justice is essential and that's what anons carry more than most, because we've seen, understand and have been down those rabbit holes. Remember in the book of Revelation where those that were martyred by Babylon were crying for justice, saying, how long, oh God, until you avenge us?
That cry for justice has become palpable.
But don't forget to give that bitterness over to God, lest you wallow in it and become clouded by hatred.
A 72 hour rule of thumb before overreacting is a wise idea for almost all news stories and should be implemented here.
At the end of the day, we do have a comfy fren home on Telegram and Truth Social if she ends up being a humongous shill as well.
Just recently the owner of Telegram refused to hand over our data to communist Brazil and so they banned the entire app there. This speaks volumes.
My level of comfort doesn't hinge on hero worship or expecting others to be pure white hats in everything they do, considering the nature of man is to faulter.
Remember that even someone like Tucker has connections to the CIA ..
Understanding their intentions can be crucial and important to seeing through facades. But may I recommend looking at how God is using a person, regardless of their current "hat" or motive.
Are they dropping red pills? Are they moving us closer or further away from awakening as a society?
All that being said: I do feel confident that God is causing a deliverance moment to occur and nothing can stop him.
I think that the news cycle has been frankly exhausting in the last few weeks or so and I would be lying if I said I was wanting to continue to post about it ad nauseum.
I'm extremely passionate about red pilling and reporting the truth, as many of you are yourselves, but at some point we have to also recognize that the news is mostly meant for the normies right now.
It's God using these events to wake up the populace.
But the problem is that we are already awake! So what do we do with that.
We aid and assist in moving that along, yes, but we also just have a comfy channel to talk to people and relate with each other and pass along memes.
It's always nice to have that place you can go where you know you won't be judged for being a crazy frog loving conspiracy theorist and I think that brings a measure of comfort in these storms we are experiencing along the way.
Sometimes we just need to survive and get through the harder months without holding our heads down and that's a tremendous victory.
It's nice to know we have a place to relate with one another and chat even when reporting the news isn't the most fun.
And for that, I am grateful.
(Pepe Lives Matter)
Well written fren! And I am Def already tired of that chick Elon supposedly hired lol