Processed foods that contain more chemicals than ever before. FDA and USDA approval of huge amounts of corn syrup, nitrates, sodium, preservatives, artificial colorings, pesticides, hormones, GMOs, flavor enhancers and more. All sold under the claim of "convenience". I would love to see a chart showing obesity rates overlaid with numbers of microwaves sold in the last 20 years.
Keep in mind that the big chemical makers who make the food additives, agricultural pesticides and hormones like DuPont and Monsanto are in bed with the government regulators much like Pfizer and Moderna were with drug regulators. The huge amount of money involved is coming at the expense of people's health and longevity.
Ironically, when Amish farmers ignore the use of these toxins and organically farm their land using tried and true methods they are attacked by these same government agencies. Can you imagine how things would drastically change if these same regulators worked for the people and not big pharma, big agriculture, big food processors? Imagine a world where food was sourced locally from organic farmers not shipped around the world in fancy packages, promoted by advertising hype with ingredient labels not printed in type so small you need a microscope to see it.
And then there's the Cokes, Pepsis, Frito Lays of the world. Junk food hyped to high heaven in media everywhere. Profits for them, obesity for you.
Processed foods that contain more chemicals than ever before. FDA and USDA approval of huge amounts of corn syrup, nitrates, sodium, preservatives, artificial colorings, pesticides, hormones, GMOs, flavor enhancers and more. All sold under the claim of "convenience". I would love to see a chart showing obesity rates overlaid with numbers of microwaves sold in the last 20 years.
Keep in mind that the big chemical makers who make the food additives, agricultural pesticides and hormones like DuPont and Monsanto are in bed with the government regulators much like Pfizer and Moderna were with drug regulators. The huge amount of money involved is coming at the expense of people's health and longevity.
Ironically, when Amish farmers ignore the use of these toxins and organically farm their land using tried and true methods they are attacked by these same government agencies. Can you imagine how things would drastically change if these same regulators worked for the people and not big pharma, big agriculture, big food processors? Imagine a world where food was sourced locally from organic farmers not shipped around the world in fancy packages, promoted by advertising hype with ingredient labels not printed in type so small you need a microscope to see it.
And then there's the Cokes, Pepsis, Frito Lays of the world. Junk food hyped to high heaven in media everywhere. Profits for them, obesity for you.