Recall your childhood. If born ~1985 or earlier you were active as much as you could be. Why? That's what you did. And if you watched a movie you may have biked to the theater. VHS machines and rentals still at the high end of the scale. Home computers and gaming still out a ways out for most homes. You may have had an Atari 2600 but that was most likely and end of day thing to do. As was watching TV and on school nights it was limited.
Late 80s though, computers & complex role playing games emerged as did portable gaming (Gameboy). Cable became pervasive, you could stay in and be entertained (indoctrinated) rather than go outside and entertain yourselves. Get together with friends after school or on weekend? Maybe or maybe not. Yes, the above is over-simplified but there is no denial that all of this compounded exponentially. And now all the above done on a device you carry around.
Recall your childhood. If born ~1985 or earlier you were active as much as you could be. Why? That's what you did. And if you watched a movie you may have biked to the theater. VHS machines and rentals still at the high end of the scale. Home computers and gaming still out a ways out for most homes. You may have had an Atari 2600 but that was most likely and end of day thing to do. As was watching TV and on school nights it was limited.
Late 80s though, computers & complex role playing games emerged as did portable gaming (Gameboy). Cable became pervasive, you could stay in and be entertained (indoctrinated) rather than go outside and entertain yourselves. Get together with friends after school or on weekend? Maybe or maybe not. Yes, the above is over-simplified but there is no denial that all of this compounded exponentially. And now all the above done on a device you carry around.