There are still a lot of people that will never like Trump because he comes across to them as rude, and I don't mean the deranged haters, I mean regular apolitical types. I don't think that's really how he is, or more likely, I think he exaggerates his in your face style. The reason is sort of psyop-related. I remember hearing years ago that it didn't matter if you absolutely hated an ad as long as you remembered the message and the product. Plop plop fizz fizz, etc. I think military intelligence knows this and Trump has been honing his "your fired!' arguably obnoxious persona, to shock people into hearing his message. So many people hated the "fake news" and "crooked Hillary" and "low energy Jeb" and "Lyin' Ted" but no one ever forgot it. And begrudgingly you start to think, "well she IS pretty crooked." Not since Reagan have i seen someone care more about getting what he wants than caring what people thought. Reagan would play dumb on purpose. He didn't care that people made fun of him if it distracted them from what he wanted to accomplish. Reminds me of the SNL skit with Phil Hartmann, who was hilarious. Sorry for the Youtube link:
Why Trump Doesn't Care That Some People Hate Him
Watch the video! KEK
A lot of what he says has been twisted and reworded and reparsed by MSM, however, Donald Trump and I share 2 things, we are both from Queens, and we are both Geminis, he is a few years older. When I moved to New England decades ago, there were many people, and there still are, who found my delivery rude, blunt, but honest. I remember seeing a youtube take of a Starbucks in Queens, about a barrista who did not take crap from some elite soyboy, it was titled "barrista "yells" while serving". One of the comments was , "it's Queens, everybody yells". I laughed, and often explain my upfront and honest commentary, "hey, I'm from Queens".