A group of sorority sisters who are suing the University of Wyoming for accepting a transgender woman into their group have broken cover to describe how they “live in constant fear in our home” — after the hulking student has become physically aroused around them.
🧘Mental/Physical Health 🏋🏼♂️
Just letting you know that I am in agreement with you in regards to keeping men out of women's spaces. We didn't fight for women's rights so men can LARP in womanface and perform perverted sit-ins within the spaces that actual women are fully entitled to using in comfort, safety and privacy.
Perverts find every way imaginable to bend the language and rules to suit their twisted lifestyles. Just look at what the LGBTQ+ mafia is attempting to do in regards to allowing pedophiles to become a non-stigmatized aspect of their group. They've been at it for a long time.