Sitting here in the spring evening limelight chatting with my wife. We are both awake and aware.
The thought occurred to me as we were discussing the plight of many things... the road ahead is still so long. It is difficult to be an Anon and to be aware... to be awake... and to know that so many people still need to start to awaken.
It's like we are very far ahead in this marathon, and people are still getting their running shoes on at the starting line.
So I thought I would share this... keep in mind that many still need to make the journey and that means they need awakening, which means things need to happen that seem preposterous, so they awaken. And our job is to keep the faith and to endure, and to look for the light at the end of the tunnel.
God speed, Frens. Hang in there.
And we cried for those who could not see, saying "forgive them Father, for they know not what they do!!"
There are those that will refuse, we can cast pearls.
But becareful to whom you cast those pearls, lest they turn again and rend you.
That is NOT to say that everyone is swine, but that after multiple attempts with exact opposite response...
Be aware.
I am no perfect, but I will relay the warning above. For it is from The LORD to be aware of false prophets.
What is Q? Dunno yet, don't care. Just know we are closer to disclosure than ever. See it through? I think YES!!!
Let's keep moving forward!
How does one eat an elephant?
Let's do this.
Ty Turd ❤️