Durham elegantly lays out the case that the entire government colluded to rig an election. The report reveals that the CIA, FBI, and justice department with help from the NSA and FISA court (under the purview of SCOTUS) basically took the muck and propaganda of one campaign (the one holding power), and attempted to orchestrate and manufacture a coup d’etat against their political opponents with help from 99% of media outlets and even the establishment of the same party as Trump (McCain, Graham, et al).
There is no other word for this but "treason"....and at the highest levels.
It seems that the very PURPOSE of the Durham Report is -- since our government is incapable of doing anything about it -- to trigger a response from the only institution left in America with ANY credibility left that can do anything about it, THE MILITARY.
It can be prosecuted by the courts. But, it is the fault of the republican party establishment for why it never actually gets prosecuted. Everyone from republican party honcho's like Billy Barr, Chris Wray, John Roberts, Mitch McConnell...etc...on down are literally the ONLY reason that half the swamp is not already locked up in jail, and our nation healing.
Card carrying members of the UniParty. There is no R versus D in DC. It's them versus us. All this R versus D shit is JUST for the people to eat up. It also works well to get the people fighting amongst themselves, and distracted from what is really going on.
Exactly that. The UniParty always has "the other side" to point a finger at, and make excuses for why something went wrong, or against the will of the citizens.