I saw Dave talking about post 2381 (below), and I started thinking about the line "How can you make arrest [non military] prior to first fully cleaning out corrupt elements [at the top] of those departments {FBI][DOJ]..." And while it is true that FBI and DOJ aren't going to make the arrest and do what needs to be done to prosecute all the criminals until they are clean, there is an even bigger reason the Patriots need a different field of play before they can start (which I have never heard mentioned.) If they started arresting and prosecuting the big fish we all want to see fry, all Biden has to do is just pardon the whole lot of them. Even crimes as high up as treason have and can be pardoned. (I'm going to ignore the conversation about if he is really the one in control for discussion purposes.) So I don't think we are going to see the prosecutions start until Trump is in office. But I think that works out fine because there is more and more to come out over the next 1.5 years to get the groundswell of the public calling for the heads of all these people that have destroyed our country.
So while we have to wait a bit longer, I see this time as the water building up behind the dam. There will be the drip drip drip, but the volume and pressure will continue to build, and once Trump is in office, all he has to do is pull one stone out of the dam and the whole thing will just floooooood with arrests and trials and, dare I say it... firing squads!
To your point:
I didn't know it could be spelled either way
Easy. :) It's still accurate that supersede is the standard spelling and the only one you'll ever see in an edited publication.
LOL he actually isn't 'wrong' this time, but I hear you, I've felt the same way in grammatical discussions before where he's been mistaken yet handing out instructions. It's like, why be so authoritative about it?
I used to be an editor. So if I offer linguistic tips, I like to put "Just for fun" or "For any who happen to be interested" first, so everyone knows no grammar cop is on duty, I'm just sharing. Almost always, anons are gracious and grateful to learn new stuff. After all, the internet is about speed, the ideas are more important than the form they take, folks are typing on phones, etc. (I often don't edit my own stuff online either, because who cares.)
As to supersede - Why there has to be one single word in the language that ends in -sede, I have no idea. I detest shit like that about English. Spell it with -cede, you get pushback.
Like liquefy. Sure, you can spell it liquify; but everyone and their brother will think you don't know how to spell it right and will delight in telling you so. Or, why would the plural of money be monies? Makes no sense. I use moneys, the alternate. I also use consentual instead of consensual, because it's about consenT.
Good times :p