KARI LAKE - Our expert witness just testified thousands of signatures were approved at a rate of 99.87% in under two seconds in Maricopa County.
This is not humanly possible.
It's also not signature verification.
This is rubber stamping bad ballots to alter the outcome of our election.
🚔 Crime & Democrats 💸
I couldn't resist clicking to laugh/despair at the comments of the mental gymnasts.
Incredible and gut wrenching how easily the Angry Left dismisses clear and legitimate evidence of rigging.
No discernment, no logic, no reasoning involved. Just a LOL and wave of the hand.
If their sporty sport games had been played by the same rules (where score of “their team” is literally altered electronically before their very eyes), they’d be screaming bloody murder.
But in the Lake signature verification case, they’re all right with it.
Also quite sure the idiot judge is looking for any feeble legal excuse he can to get this thing back out of his court and resume his comfortable robed judge life.