Now I'm not complaining about the culture war's casualties but, I miss my Russian Standard Vodka. It's truly the smoothest, most hangover free spirit. It's better than Grey Goose, Luksoksowa, Kettel One, and Ciroc. The Kazakh's vodkas are trash.
Old fraternity house trick: try running any bottle of the above through a Brita and watch the taste improve and hangovers lessen. When I didn't have a pot to piss in in college, we used to do this
Tito's Vodka, from Texas, is reasonably priced and has beat out the high dollar brands in blind taste tests...i don't drink vodka, but i hear it's good, just fyi, might be worth a try...
Now I'm not complaining about the culture war's casualties but, I miss my Russian Standard Vodka. It's truly the smoothest, most hangover free spirit. It's better than Grey Goose, Luksoksowa, Kettel One, and Ciroc. The Kazakh's vodkas are trash.
Old fraternity house trick: try running any bottle of the above through a Brita and watch the taste improve and hangovers lessen. When I didn't have a pot to piss in in college, we used to do this
Tito's Vodka, from Texas, is reasonably priced and has beat out the high dollar brands in blind taste tests...i don't drink vodka, but i hear it's good, just fyi, might be worth a try...
Stoly! The best.