I was prepared to say I had some horrific lung disease or such and couldn't wear a mask...haha...they played games...I also can play games...I actually LOVED being rebellious...it just felt SO darn good...
Then I was in good company...she sure is "amazing"...I always thought I'd love her doing research for our government...even though she is Canadian...boy would the truth be told...
At least they didn't say I have to show my Covid passport. I got out fast enough. LOL
I was prepared to say I had some horrific lung disease or such and couldn't wear a mask...haha...they played games...I also can play games...I actually LOVED being rebellious...it just felt SO darn good...
You and Amazing Polly. She did the same thing.
Then I was in good company...she sure is "amazing"...I always thought I'd love her doing research for our government...even though she is Canadian...boy would the truth be told...
She is one gutsy beauty.