I'm not preaching anything, you are. If you suffered the trauma I had in childhood, you would likely be in an institution, as many who know me can't believe I'm still standing. You do you, I'll do what's right for me. I've spent the past 25 years studying and working with natural healing modalities. I know what combination works for me but would never presume what would work best for you. That's what freedom of choice is. Btw you come off as a big bully, authoritarian much?
Yes but i practice what i preach. I wish you did as well, like autonomy. Besides thats Alot of words to say "i didnt try it". How do you know I didnt suffer far far worse as a child? You speak as though your ego has taken control of your life. Trauma simply reminds you something you witnessed is not good, we will use that. You boast of your trauma experience and meds as though it's a medal of honor and what make you "interesting". They arent pokemon cards. Unfortunately trauma is a very normal part of human life. Do not let pride get in the way of the awakenings, its ok that sometimes the answer has always been "right under our nose" so to speak. That simply means it was just waiting for you to discover, it's a blessing, It doesnt mean your dumb or inadequate.
Btw, one side effect of antidepressants is the feeling that everyone is against you, and bullying you. Get off the junk homie.
I'm a grown woman 61 to be exact, married for 38 years with 2 adult children
I'm not your homie either. You think you know what's best for everyone. I would never make such an assumption nor would I be rude to another human if they make another choice for themselves. I truly think you should look in the mirror, the person who is flaunting his ego here is you. Please go away you're downright rude.
Ah, then I see, many many years of trying random "cures" left you jaded, riddled with pride, and and inflated ego (I'M a survivor, gotta take MY meds) so now you lean to your own understanding along with harboring what you considered a unique and interesting experience of survival. I understand. Your settled on your own condemnations and convictions. It's near impossible to change course this far into the game but it's still possible. The extreme cold will slap that right out of you. Just try it or not. You don't have to write a paragraph just to say you haven't and won't try it. Your correct, you certainly have the right to keep your depression and fake harmacy "cures", very true, but I draw the line when someone makes the extremely rude gestured of singing the praises of whats proven, as well as, what we all know to be, poisons and spells, all brought to you by the Satanic Pharmakeia of Babylon. I gotta shut it down and submit that lie. Best of luck though. Do not to cold hold over 15 mins unless you have a spotter.
I'm not preaching anything, you are. If you suffered the trauma I had in childhood, you would likely be in an institution, as many who know me can't believe I'm still standing. You do you, I'll do what's right for me. I've spent the past 25 years studying and working with natural healing modalities. I know what combination works for me but would never presume what would work best for you. That's what freedom of choice is. Btw you come off as a big bully, authoritarian much?
Yes but i practice what i preach. I wish you did as well, like autonomy. Besides thats Alot of words to say "i didnt try it". How do you know I didnt suffer far far worse as a child? You speak as though your ego has taken control of your life. Trauma simply reminds you something you witnessed is not good, we will use that. You boast of your trauma experience and meds as though it's a medal of honor and what make you "interesting". They arent pokemon cards. Unfortunately trauma is a very normal part of human life. Do not let pride get in the way of the awakenings, its ok that sometimes the answer has always been "right under our nose" so to speak. That simply means it was just waiting for you to discover, it's a blessing, It doesnt mean your dumb or inadequate.
Btw, one side effect of antidepressants is the feeling that everyone is against you, and bullying you. Get off the junk homie.
I'm a grown woman 61 to be exact, married for 38 years with 2 adult children I'm not your homie either. You think you know what's best for everyone. I would never make such an assumption nor would I be rude to another human if they make another choice for themselves. I truly think you should look in the mirror, the person who is flaunting his ego here is you. Please go away you're downright rude.
Ah, then I see, many many years of trying random "cures" left you jaded, riddled with pride, and and inflated ego (I'M a survivor, gotta take MY meds) so now you lean to your own understanding along with harboring what you considered a unique and interesting experience of survival. I understand. Your settled on your own condemnations and convictions. It's near impossible to change course this far into the game but it's still possible. The extreme cold will slap that right out of you. Just try it or not. You don't have to write a paragraph just to say you haven't and won't try it. Your correct, you certainly have the right to keep your depression and fake harmacy "cures", very true, but I draw the line when someone makes the extremely rude gestured of singing the praises of whats proven, as well as, what we all know to be, poisons and spells, all brought to you by the Satanic Pharmakeia of Babylon. I gotta shut it down and submit that lie. Best of luck though. Do not to cold hold over 15 mins unless you have a spotter.