Rightminded 3 points ago +3 / -0

You're describing my marriage. My husband is the same. We could be eating a most delicious meal out at a lovely restaurant. He will completely clean his plate and I'll ask him if he enjoyed it. He'll say it was alright. He's Spock, I'm Kirk. It's tough at times but somehow we make a good team.

Rightminded 3 points ago +3 / -0

When people transition to the opposite sex, they change their name to suit their new gender. Their old name becomes their "dead" name. So yes in a sense Elon's is dead.

Rightminded 6 points ago +7 / -1

Nah, I would basically destroy my business. My greatest satisfaction is getting them to part with their money. I've lost 6 clients who have died suddenly from the vax, other's are having terrible health problems. I DO tell them that I am unvaxxed and most of them confess to me that I am the smart one. Some of them are waking up, so I plant seeds when I can.

Rightminded 13 points ago +13 / -0

These hideous sub humans are exposing themselves. No mercy! May they all reap what they have sown. FYI I live in a deep blue state and they assume that because I'm heavily tattooed and I'm into yoga and the healing arts, they think I'm one of them. I've got 4 Trump rallies under my belt going back to 2016, if they only knew 🤣

Rightminded 17 points ago +17 / -0

Trump has mentioned this in the past. RFK being denied SS protection is EVIL 😈

Rightminded 3 points ago +3 / -0

I once visted a deli on Long Island, Bill's was on the wall because he was a customer there. I asked them is he as pompous and arrogant as he seems on TV. The guy winked with a nod, then gave me a free slice of Pastrami. That's all I needed to know 😂

Rightminded 4 points ago +4 / -0

I fell into a deep depression a few months ago. I have lost 9 of my clients and friends to the jab. Two more have agressive cancers that popped out of nowhere. I visted my NP out of dispair. While in the examination room, I confessed to all the illness and death I've seen regarding the vaccine. I surely thought she'd call me crazy. She confessed to me she knows 21 people who have passed away and she herself still suffers from side effects. She didn't allow her husband to take the jab so there would be someone to care for the kids. We ended up hugging each other with tears in our eyes. The medical people were done dirty too, many are suffering and can't speak out, it's tragic.

Rightminded 5 points ago +5 / -0

Hysterical! Last night was the greatest. Good thing I don't play drinking games anymore, I would have be hospitalized 😜

Rightminded 1 point ago +1 / -0

Resolved until next year.

Rightminded 8 points ago +8 / -0

Kevorkian was an evil man, he enjoyed euthanizing people

Rightminded 5 points ago +5 / -0

Not a lefty, 50% tattooed. Got my first tattoo at 48. No jab no cancer

Rightminded 4 points ago +4 / -0

I suggest you don't receive the transfusion. Your body can heal itself

Rightminded 7 points ago +7 / -0

I have lost 9 friends and clients. My most recent loss was a 48 year old mother of 5. Went to the doctor with a sore shoulder in mid January ended up being filled with cancer 72 tumors were found in her body, passed in late April. My poor 💔

Rightminded 2 points ago +2 / -0

Morrissey is well known for cancellation shows

Rightminded 14 points ago +14 / -0

You got that right. Immediately after the verdict I went to make a donation and the site kept crashing. Eventually I was able to complete the transaction.

Rightminded 1 point ago +1 / -0

There are many days when I can't get out of bed. I know so many people who died or have cancer post jab. I fear my eldest vaxxed and boosted son and beautiful daughter-in-law will never have children or suddenly pass away. I hate this world we live in. I'm simply worn out.

Rightminded 3 points ago +3 / -0

It was sold out before I could buy a ticket. Damn I wish I witnessed that fiasco.🤣

Rightminded 12 points ago +12 / -0

I live 3 blocks away from this woke non- profit theater in Beverly. I was planning to attend but then realized it was on Memorial Day weekend. This is the very same theater that features adult drag shows and I have no problem with that. He is known for going off script and he mentioned that young children should not allowed to transition. Supposedly all hell broke loose and people headed to the door. The Cabot sent an email to its members apologizing for the fiasco. Beyond ridiculous 🙄 Much ado about nothing

Rightminded 2 points ago +2 / -0

My fren, I understand exactly how you feel. Each day is a new horror. Many of my friends, family and clients are dying from the effects of the jab. Both of my adult sons are jabbed, only one is boosted, I fear for his health and fertility. I cry every morning for all of humanity. I feel like I staddle two worlds those who see and those who are blind. When I was a young child I remember sitting in 1st grade and thinking to myself, this is NO way to learn, they want us to conform, so when I was given a standardized test, I filled in the bubbles in a pattern thereby flunking the test, then diagnosed with a learning disorder.

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