Anons, it’s no secret I’ve followed 17, 1-oh-7, or Juan O’Savin since my Awakening. For 3 years I’ve listened to him, totally get and understand his Game/String Theory way of speaking, and even know the most about him. And have great faith in his stated and underlying suggestions. But this was a pointed video about what’s coming and had their first heated debate.
With all the illegals pouring in and with all the tons of legal proof the patriots have against the Cabal, Nino kinda broke off on Juan and yelled about how ridiculous waiting is becoming. How ridiculous it is that real people are financially suffering, dying, illegals are pouring in committing REAL crimes, and the patriots are at a breaking point to become more aggressive or just not enough are awake to Get It, or care beyond each American family’s/person’s own problems. And he yelled at Juan that not enough has been done to awaken people, when is this mass “shaking”, coming, and it may already be too late.
Juan Agreed 100% and takes the brunt of David’s frustration for all of us. And surprisingly, Juan expresses his own frustrations that “The Plan” has been extended far beyond what most “civilian” White Hats/Patriots in the know expected, and Juan expressed true worry about all of the old and REAL Serious diseases just flowing back in. He, for the first time since his incorrect 2021 Feb Trump White House return quote, said We The People can’t go beyond this fall as yes, these Real bad diseases are going to take a toll if this keeps up. Juan expressed real concern due to all the people he knows too, as Small Pox, TB, Whooping Cough, and all the eradicated diseases are popping up and he agreed it’s certainly time.
David tried to drag it out of Juan when, and I didn’t read this time Juan had a good clue beyond it needing to be much sooner than the Fall too. Juan expressed true understanding concern while trying to calm David down, and again expresses the plan has been stretched further to bust all of the Cabal in the US, and it must be done right, or some will slip away. And any of them slipping away can’t be allowed period. Period!
This video brought me hope that “soon” is coming soon. Juan felt the illegals can be quickly removed, but the incoming disease spread was his personal greatest concern that can’t be allowed to get worse, than it’s already starting to get at the border. So please listen Anons, and see what you hear out of this one. I for one hope that maybe, maybe this finally snaps the Governors and Military into action! Or else we certainly are in for real disease trouble that historically and statistically is far worse for We The People than Covid ever could have been.
Have hope and faith Anons, God hasn’t let us down and won’t start now. And Juan makes points several times, divine intervention is in process.
Truth be told.
Any version of the plan. No matter how well crafted. Has written off a portion of the U.S population both Civilian and Military as “Collateral Damage” and “Acceptable Losses”. How large or small that portion is likely only known to a bare handful. And they aren’t talking.
The WH have objectives and goals they have to meet. The fact that Civilians and Patriots are suffering and dying isn’t going to move them. They’ll move when their objectives are met and the outcomes they find desirable are the most likely
My guess is the Military side of the equation deliberately kept them in the dark about some aspects. They Military guys are used to to ordering people to their deaths and giving orders that may potentially kill hundreds if not thousands of people whose only offense was being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Anyone coming from a Civilian background is going to be naturally more connected with the general population, not mention enlisted military and squeamish about wilfully allowing them to die by the thousands because it suits a long term goal whose payoff may only be apparent months if not years down the line. The Career Officers and Intel Spooks. Not so much.
The only thing that remains a constant in life and history. Whenever the powerful play their Games. Regardless of whichever “side” of the moral equation they fall on. And whatever God they believe in. The people that do the bulk of the suffering and dying. Are the common folk.
This is just the nature of our current reality. History has again and again proven this to be true. if you don't want to be collateral damage you have to smarten up and be less common. There are no guarantees in this life and any complaints about that are between you and God.