Anons, it’s no secret I’ve followed 17, 1-oh-7, or Juan O’Savin since my Awakening. For 3 years I’ve listened to him, totally get and understand his Game/String Theory way of speaking, and even know the most about him. And have great faith in his stated and underlying suggestions. But this was a pointed video about what’s coming and had their first heated debate.
With all the illegals pouring in and with all the tons of legal proof the patriots have against the Cabal, Nino kinda broke off on Juan and yelled about how ridiculous waiting is becoming. How ridiculous it is that real people are financially suffering, dying, illegals are pouring in committing REAL crimes, and the patriots are at a breaking point to become more aggressive or just not enough are awake to Get It, or care beyond each American family’s/person’s own problems. And he yelled at Juan that not enough has been done to awaken people, when is this mass “shaking”, coming, and it may already be too late.
Juan Agreed 100% and takes the brunt of David’s frustration for all of us. And surprisingly, Juan expresses his own frustrations that “The Plan” has been extended far beyond what most “civilian” White Hats/Patriots in the know expected, and Juan expressed true worry about all of the old and REAL Serious diseases just flowing back in. He, for the first time since his incorrect 2021 Feb Trump White House return quote, said We The People can’t go beyond this fall as yes, these Real bad diseases are going to take a toll if this keeps up. Juan expressed real concern due to all the people he knows too, as Small Pox, TB, Whooping Cough, and all the eradicated diseases are popping up and he agreed it’s certainly time.
David tried to drag it out of Juan when, and I didn’t read this time Juan had a good clue beyond it needing to be much sooner than the Fall too. Juan expressed true understanding concern while trying to calm David down, and again expresses the plan has been stretched further to bust all of the Cabal in the US, and it must be done right, or some will slip away. And any of them slipping away can’t be allowed period. Period!
This video brought me hope that “soon” is coming soon. Juan felt the illegals can be quickly removed, but the incoming disease spread was his personal greatest concern that can’t be allowed to get worse, than it’s already starting to get at the border. So please listen Anons, and see what you hear out of this one. I for one hope that maybe, maybe this finally snaps the Governors and Military into action! Or else we certainly are in for real disease trouble that historically and statistically is far worse for We The People than Covid ever could have been.
Have hope and faith Anons, God hasn’t let us down and won’t start now. And Juan makes points several times, divine intervention is in process.
Hahahah— To be honest I have not been doing SHIT for almost 20 years living for my flesh and being a clueless normie, yes that was me. But I can tell you a little about the changes that have occurred in me as a result of Jesus. How I’ve leaned into the fight.
Sometime in 2016-2018, Jesus began to enter my life, and in very horrific moment (he pulled me out of) many things began to change. Voted for 45 as he is the only president to have ever helped the people in my lifetime. COVID happened and I held the line, one of the only people in my mfg. facility of about 100-120 people total who didn’t give into the big-pharma fear game—Everyone else took the vax and many boosters to follow it. Now I question nearly everything Big Pharma peddles. I took my children out of public school— didn’t even let my oldest make it through a full year of kindergarten, and my other sweet kids won’t see a commie-indoctrination-trannie-training-fag camp, hopefully ever. I told those close to me the truth about what is coming & I’ll even sprinkle truth into others in public as I am able. I’m still loosely advising my family to get all their money out of the 401 & banks, but we are stubborn people, so that’s a battle I won’t win. I’ve made my small strides in the small AOE that I am capable of influencing and my wife does the same— we are aligned and thank God for that. I’m currently trying to improve my mental health (from all the demoralization), living everyday as a blessing from God, and I am anxiously awaiting Jesus Christ to come down & put all this evil to death once and for all. Although I won’t get too comfortable until then, there is much work to be done for my fellow citizens salvation, I haste the day Jesus comes back.
I’m finished with depending on human constructs— the military. Our military is a laughing stock—they are like every brain dead corporation peddling filth, bowing to the trannies and wokism in order to “raise muh ESG score”. Yes, you heard it correctly, as much as we want to believe our military is strong and full of badass GI JOE tactical hard nosed geniuses, it is in some sect focused on wokism and inclusion, aka faggotry. It’s a LARP at the highest levels (full of many good souls, good men & women, controlled by an evil hand). I’m done equating a human—45 or someone else to a savior. It is either us picking ourselves up and doing what we can (we will probably never defeat Satan and his ways as sin runs deep & men are blinded by desires. But JESUS WILL. I hope I am able to see the day— Jesus Christ descending from the heavens in glory, honor, and power and finally says ENOUGH. Enough abortions, enough vanity, enough evil, enough suffering. This is our savior:
“Then I turned to see the voice that was speaking to me, and on turning I saw seven golden lampstands, and in the midst of the lampstands one like a son of man, clothed with a long robe and with a golden sash around his chest. The hairs of his head were white, like white wool, like snow. His eyes were like a flame of fire, his feet were like burnished bronze, refined in a furnace, and his voice was like the roar of many waters. In his right hand he held seven stars, from his mouth came a sharp two-edged sword, and his face was like the sun shining in full strength.” Revelation 1:12-16
This is the savior, this is true power. Voice like rushing waters, sun shining in full strength, a sword coming out of his mouth.
“Then I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse! The one sitting on it is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he judges and makes war. His eyes are like a flame of fire, and on his head are many diadems, and he has a name written that no one knows but himself. He is clothed in a robe dipped in blood, and the name by which he is called is The Word of God. And the armies of heaven, arrayed in fine linen, white and pure, were following him on white horses. From his mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations, and he will rule them with a rod of iron. He will tread the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God the Almighty. On his robe and on his thigh he has a name written, King of kings and Lord of Lords.” Revelation 19:11-16
Guys, this is The Savior, the ultimate badass. The One who is treading the wine press of the fury of the wrath of the Almighty God. Satan, Davos, Central Bank, Globalists—Cabal, you guys are in trouble.
Battle has been won anons. It is over. Protect your families, pray, follow God to the best of your abilities, read the Bible, and do not put your reliance in men or their constructs. We will embark into difficult times but remember the kingdom is at hand and we have Jesus who is coming to end the madness one day. Catch your neighbor or a stranger doing something approximately right & thank them—congratulate them. Spread love & give grace, never bowing to evil.
I spent alot of time listening to Juan & waiting for Trump or Q to “make it all better”. I’m done waiting, I’m glad Jesus revealed himself to my family & I know he will deliver, one day. These other guys— they can’t deliver. Call it dooming, sorry anons but much love to those fighting against evil no matter if we see things differently.