A: The (other) 5% who can think of course understand.
smashing thin (oh, sorry, I forgot "Wing skins are very thick", ffs) aluminium sheets into massive steel girders at 550 mph (an impossible speed for a 747)
is the same (the same) as
2 smashing 550 mph steel girders into thin (lairs say "thick") aluminium sheets
The steel girders are not even marked.
The thin ("thick") aluminum sheets are completly deformed around the impact shape of the steel girders.
What hits what is irrelevant - to me. To you, who can't understand, well, who cares?
You are a lying fucking retard Nazi who has no idea what he is talking about.
550 mph (an impossible speed for a 747)
The average cruising speed for a 747 is Mach 0.85 or 652 mph. Just because you say things forcefully does not make them true. They fly faster than 550 mph as a routine every day occurrence.
Q: Why is that surprising?
A: The (other) 5% who can think of course understand.
is the same (the same) as
2 smashing 550 mph steel girders into thin (lairs say "thick") aluminium sheets
I've changed every single major structural component on the large aircraft I work on.
If anything I'm more surprise that more of the plane didn't come out the backside of the building.
Go and get yourself an A and P license and 20 years of experience and get back to me,
You are a lying fucking retard Nazi who has no idea what he is talking about.
The average cruising speed for a 747 is Mach 0.85 or 652 mph. Just because you say things forcefully does not make them true. They fly faster than 550 mph as a routine every day occurrence.
Source of my speed claim: https://www.stratosjets.com/blog/cruise-speed/#:~:text=On%20average%2C%20the%20typical%20cruising,knots%20(roughly%20575%20mph).