i also wanted to draw your attention to VACCINES' MAGIC STUDIES
How do Magic Studies Work?
IF any vaccine is alleged to cause any problem X,
THEN a pro-vaccine activist will invite themselves to do a "STUDY" to see "IF" vaccines cause X.
THEN the pro-vaccine activist will will trumpet his own inability to "find the evidence" that vaccines cause X.
THEN the pro-vaccine activist will ALSO announce that his "STUDY" actually discovered that "vaccines PREVENT X"
there are probably 10 easily documentable instances of a study being done to see "IF" a vaccine causes a problem, only to find that the vaccine prevents that exact problem.
SIDS is a good example.
SIDS is obviously "caused by" vaccines,
and yet, all of their MAGIC STUDIES say vaccines PREVENT SIDS!
There's so many off-lable uses for vaccines.
Did do know that the magic vaccine study authors actually advocate for using vaccines as a SIDS prevention strategy?
are there any vaccines that are LABELED for the prevention of SIDS?
and yet, if vaccines PREVENT SIDS, and they know this... then why wouldn't they trumpet this fact from the rooftops?
because they don't want your mind linking vaccines and SIDS, in any way, shape or form.
MAGIC STUDIES have "discovered" that vaccines PREVENT
you can spend the rest of your life examining all of their so-called "DATA",
or you can eventually come to the conclusion that ALL vaccine DATA is GIGO and META-GIGO
their entire vaccine cult is based on a BIG LIE,
they have created for themselves, a SAFE SPACE, where they can spread vaccine cult propaganda, without all that pesky feedback and blowback.
this is why they censor everyone who is critical of vaccines.
they know that sooner or later, you are going to figure out the BIG LIE, and then you will BLAB YOUR BIG MOUTH to the ENTIRE WORLD
so the sooner they shut down your channel, the sooner they are able to mitigate the risk of you telling the truth to the world.
vaccine modeling will be the mechanism by which you will change the conversation, and change the world!
EXAMPLE: the Bohr Model for the atom.
atom model looks like microscopic version of a solar system. scientists readily admit that they KNOW the Bohr model of the atom is WRONG, but they continue to teach it anyway, because its USEFUL
however, the BOHR model of the atom is probably stuck in your own head right this very moment,
BECAUSE the BOHR model of the atom has never been challenged and or REPLACED in your mind.
the way we conceive atoms to work, is based on a flawed model.
just like the way we conceive VACCINES to work, is based on a flawed model.
the only way to every AWAKEN THE MASSES, is to develop and promoted NEW MODELS.
once we install our NEW VACCINE MODEL into the MINDS of the masses, they will just intuitively understand how vaccines REALLY work, and they will be the ones asking the NEW QUESTIONS about X, Y, and Z.
once they have the new model of understanding, your work will be done.
they will pick up the baton, and run with it.
instead of you trying to wake them up, they will be waking you up.
you will go from being a lone thought-leader, to a drop in the ocean of followers.
these ideas you plant today, are like seeds.
they don't emerge right away, but eventually they do emerge.
i also wanted to draw your attention to VACCINES' MAGIC STUDIES
How do Magic Studies Work?
IF any vaccine is alleged to cause any problem X,
THEN a pro-vaccine activist will invite themselves to do a "STUDY" to see "IF" vaccines cause X.
THEN the pro-vaccine activist will will trumpet his own inability to "find the evidence" that vaccines cause X.
THEN the pro-vaccine activist will ALSO announce that his "STUDY" actually discovered that "vaccines PREVENT X"
there are probably 10 easily documentable instances of a study being done to see "IF" a vaccine causes a problem, only to find that the vaccine prevents that exact problem.
SIDS is a good example.
SIDS is obviously "caused by" vaccines,
and yet, all of their MAGIC STUDIES say vaccines PREVENT SIDS!
There's so many off-lable uses for vaccines.
Did do know that the magic vaccine study authors actually advocate for using vaccines as a SIDS prevention strategy?
are there any vaccines that are LABELED for the prevention of SIDS?
and yet, if vaccines PREVENT SIDS, and they know this... then why wouldn't they trumpet this fact from the rooftops?
because they don't want your mind linking vaccines and SIDS, in any way, shape or form.
MAGIC STUDIES have "discovered" that vaccines PREVENT
you can spend the rest of your life examining all of their so-called "DATA",
or you can eventually come to the conclusion that ALL vaccine DATA is GIGO and META-GIGO
their entire vaccine cult is based on a BIG LIE,
they have created for themselves, a SAFE SPACE, where they can spread vaccine cult propaganda, without all that pesky feedback and blowback.
this is why they censor everyone who is critical of vaccines.
they know that sooner or later, you are going to figure out the BIG LIE, and then you will BLAB YOUR BIG MOUTH to the ENTIRE WORLD
so the sooner they shut down your channel, the sooner they are able to mitigate the risk of you telling the truth to the world.
vaccine modeling will be the mechanism by which you will change the conversation, and change the world!
EXAMPLE: the Bohr Model for the atom.
atom model looks like microscopic version of a solar system. scientists readily admit that they KNOW the Bohr model of the atom is WRONG, but they continue to teach it anyway, because its USEFUL
however, the BOHR model of the atom is probably stuck in your own head right this very moment,
BECAUSE the BOHR model of the atom has never been challenged and or REPLACED in your mind.
the way we conceive atoms to work, is based on a flawed model.
just like the way we conceive VACCINES to work, is based on a flawed model.
the only way to every AWAKEN THE MASSES, is to develop and promoted NEW MODELS.
once we install our NEW VACCINE MODEL into the MINDS of the masses, they will just intuitively understand how vaccines REALLY work, and they will be the ones asking the NEW QUESTIONS about X, Y, and Z.
once they have the new model of understanding, your work will be done.
they will pick up the baton, and run with it.
instead of you trying to wake them up, they will be waking you up.
you will go from being a lone thought-leader, to a drop in the ocean of followers.
these ideas you plant today, are like seeds.
they don't emerge right away, but eventually they do emerge.