Here's what I know. Depression is really nothing more than, you know, feeling blue, being down in the dumps, it really is nothing more. Don't let someone convince otherwise. As for textbook depression, sure, I've seen that too. They usually succeed at killing themselves. I think that's because no one really knows they have clinical depression? Maybe, that's a hard one. As for things like serotonin imbalance? That I do believe. Why? ...
I am constantly shocked looking into what us humans consume. I am a believer you are what you eat. And if we are honest, we eat a lot of chemicals, for starters. Plus, speaking for myself, eat a lot of REALLY nice things, and they are really bad for you. Sorry but its true.
If you consume all that is offered you? Then yes, I believe you'll end up sick. How sick, that I think is the reason a lot of people suffer from ailments, like depression, addiction and other nasty habits. Its all related to our diet, but here is the number one cause of our suffering ...
Stress. And that is no joke either.
If you suffer from stress, then yeah, that's a hard one. Really you can go either way. Stress effects in ways that are outright scary. Heart Attack? Try Panic Attack. All I would say to anyone suffering from this? IT'S UNCOMFORTABLE BUT NOT DANGEROUS. Repeat that to yourself until it becomes MORE real, than the lies your anxiety wants you to believe. IF you do this, your anxiety will leave you never to return. I will say, most people try to stop their anxiety. They end up in a loop of constant anxiety. Repeat It's Uncomfortable But Not Dangerous. That's all you need.
Here's what I say to ANYONE who suffering from ANY form of mental illness. Do the following: Just be nice for a change. Really. It will do you the world of good. This is not religion, its just a fact. Try it, see if I'm lying. Be nice. I know ..What?!?
Be nice, use your manors. Say please, with a smile and thank you, when someone is nice in return. That's ALL you need. If everyone was nice? ...that's all that's wrong with this world, if you take an honest look at what's happening. People lost, or they forgot, or they just don't care, maybe money? who really knows. What I do know is, if you be nice, you'll find a whole new world - all around you. Yes, it really does come down to perspective.
I also believe that depression is obviously a result of this debt-slavery system.
What I rarely see mentioned is that they've also created this individualistic, narcissistic culture. The sole focus on SELF.
I've seen it many times and heard it many times. Once you start helping others in need, your purpose, your nature truly comes out and that depression is wiped out.
Got some spoiled kids? Take them to the children's hospital to volunteer and help those kids who are really suffering and getting a real dose of life. Figuring out that we should be grateful rather than wanting.
Gratitude, faith, and purpose. I truly believe helping others is what God put us on this earth for. Being a example to those who don't have faith and show them what being in the light is. When they see it, they will ask. Then we can point them to the King.
Oh depression I know him well ....
Here's what I know. Depression is really nothing more than, you know, feeling blue, being down in the dumps, it really is nothing more. Don't let someone convince otherwise. As for textbook depression, sure, I've seen that too. They usually succeed at killing themselves. I think that's because no one really knows they have clinical depression? Maybe, that's a hard one. As for things like serotonin imbalance? That I do believe. Why? ...
I am constantly shocked looking into what us humans consume. I am a believer you are what you eat. And if we are honest, we eat a lot of chemicals, for starters. Plus, speaking for myself, eat a lot of REALLY nice things, and they are really bad for you. Sorry but its true.
If you consume all that is offered you? Then yes, I believe you'll end up sick. How sick, that I think is the reason a lot of people suffer from ailments, like depression, addiction and other nasty habits. Its all related to our diet, but here is the number one cause of our suffering ...
Stress. And that is no joke either.
If you suffer from stress, then yeah, that's a hard one. Really you can go either way. Stress effects in ways that are outright scary. Heart Attack? Try Panic Attack. All I would say to anyone suffering from this? IT'S UNCOMFORTABLE BUT NOT DANGEROUS. Repeat that to yourself until it becomes MORE real, than the lies your anxiety wants you to believe. IF you do this, your anxiety will leave you never to return. I will say, most people try to stop their anxiety. They end up in a loop of constant anxiety. Repeat It's Uncomfortable But Not Dangerous. That's all you need.
Here's what I say to ANYONE who suffering from ANY form of mental illness. Do the following: Just be nice for a change. Really. It will do you the world of good. This is not religion, its just a fact. Try it, see if I'm lying. Be nice. I know ..What?!?
Be nice, use your manors. Say please, with a smile and thank you, when someone is nice in return. That's ALL you need. If everyone was nice? ...that's all that's wrong with this world, if you take an honest look at what's happening. People lost, or they forgot, or they just don't care, maybe money? who really knows. What I do know is, if you be nice, you'll find a whole new world - all around you. Yes, it really does come down to perspective.
That's all /rant over.
I also believe that depression is obviously a result of this debt-slavery system.
What I rarely see mentioned is that they've also created this individualistic, narcissistic culture. The sole focus on SELF.
I've seen it many times and heard it many times. Once you start helping others in need, your purpose, your nature truly comes out and that depression is wiped out.
Got some spoiled kids? Take them to the children's hospital to volunteer and help those kids who are really suffering and getting a real dose of life. Figuring out that we should be grateful rather than wanting.
Gratitude, faith, and purpose. I truly believe helping others is what God put us on this earth for. Being a example to those who don't have faith and show them what being in the light is. When they see it, they will ask. Then we can point them to the King.
Depression isn't new, it used to be called melancholy but its been rebranded as an illness.
Love your rant. Great perspective. I wish everyone can see this. You should blast this out on the blue bird and see if it goes viral. I believe this.