Oh, I forgot to mention, it must be “pure pine gum” turpentine. This isn’t what you buy at a hardware store, it’s made from petroleum products. I know that seems obvious, but I would hate to have someone inadvertently use the wrong stuff. Pure pine gum turpentine is made in Georgia and is available online. The taste isn’t so bad, but I must admit I don’t think I would ever have a gin and pine gum turpentine for instance.
Oh, I forgot to mention, it must be “pure pine gum” turpentine. This isn’t what you buy at a hardware store, it’s made from petroleum products. I know that seems obvious, but I would hate to have someone inadvertently use the wrong stuff. Pure pine gum turpentine is made in Georgia and is available online. The taste isn’t so bad, but I must admit I don’t think I would ever have a gin and pine gum turpentine for instance.
I’ve been using it. Along with sugar and a spoon of castor oil