I remember 2 Jesuits who investigated the Clinton foundation, found massage fraud, these two guys are bounty hunters, these guys get money for turning in fraud in Foundations, They investigated the Clintons, Went to HUBER, remember him, according to Q, they stated under oath, that Huber wasn't interested in the evidence they had on the Clintons, HUBER was part of the swamp, so why did Q say trust HUBER?
I remember 2 Jesuits who investigated the Clinton foundation, found massage fraud, these two guys are bounty hunters, these guys get money for turning in fraud in Foundations, They investigated the Clintons, Went to HUBER, remember him, according to Q, they stated under oath, that Huber wasn't interested in the evidence they had on the Clintons, HUBER was part of the swamp, so why did Q say trust HUBER?
Why would Huber and his staff of 400 need evidence from Jesuit bounty hunters?
Maybe Huber down played the info. because they already had it?