86 WOKE response to Babylon Bee Lego Sodom and Gomorrah Parody! They can't handle the truth! Brought to you by my leftist family members lol! (media.greatawakening.win) posted 1 year ago by Temon_and_Langerine 1 year ago by Temon_and_Langerine +86 / -0 38 comments download share 38 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Ok, saw the link below. Very funny, not sure why she got her panties in a bunch.
She claimed according to the article that it's racist and sexist and a few other 'isms' and then she tacked on some insults for my 'skydaddy'. God, if you're reading this, I'm sorry my sister's a monumental asswad.
Lol monumental asswad
Does anyone know if a person who isn't a priest can do an exorcism?
Also, if yes, can it be done from 1700 miles away?
Because I'm starting to think this truly is demonic possession. These woke ass parents. Really truly.
She's considering packing something extra later.