I understand kinetic energy quite well but Your story is apples and oranges (towers were steel and concrete not wood). According to boeing The max speed a 767 can go at sea level and still be controllable is around 380 knots. Max speed until structural failure is about 420 knots (see VG diagram I posted upstream). Pilots with 30,000 hrs in 767’s have confirmed itd be impossible to get a 767 to 510 knots at sea level let alone hit a narrow target. Even if you somehow did get it to 510 itd be impossible to control due to all the mach tuck, dutch rolling, etc.. An experienced pro would have a hard time hitting the buildings at that impossible speed let alone amateurs who had trouble controlling a single engine Cessna going 80 knots. Listen for yourself, see 25min 40 sec mark:
Here’s what happens when a jet crashes into a few feet of concrete going 500 mph. The jet is completely destroyed with barely leaving a mark on the concrete:
I understand kinetic energy quite well but Your story is apples and oranges (towers were steel and concrete not wood). According to boeing The max speed a 767 can go at sea level and still be controllable is around 380 knots. Max speed until structural failure is about 420 knots (see VG diagram I posted upstream). Pilots with 30,000 hrs in 767’s have confirmed itd be impossible to get a 767 to 510 knots at sea level let alone hit a narrow target. Even if you somehow did get it to 510 itd be impossible to control due to all the mach tuck, dutch rolling, etc.. An experienced pro would have a hard time hitting the buildings at that impossible speed let alone amateurs who had trouble controlling a single engine Cessna going 80 knots. Listen for yourself, see 25min 40 sec mark:
Here’s what happens when a jet crashes into a few feet of concrete going 500 mph. The jet is completely destroyed with barely leaving a mark on the concrete: https://youtu.be/F4CX-9lkRMQ