Multiply the # of patients under age 2 × ($400). Using statistics from 1999, if a pediatrician has 1,000 patients, 264 can be expected to be 2 years old or younger. If all are fully vaccinated, the pediatrician would be eligible for a $105,600 year-end bonus. Is this why pediatricians push vaccines?
I believe so. Here's why:
Last week, I called my daughter's pediatrician's office to get a copy of her shot record. There's a homeschool group here in Volusia County, FL that handles all of the attendance reporting for anyone who homeschools their children. BUT, for some reason, they require the child's shot records. Haven't been able to get a straight answer as to "why" that would be needed for a homeschooling program, but I digress.
I called the pediatrician's office to get a copy of her shot records and was told I can't get one, I can only get a copy of her "vaccination history." I asked why and was told because her shot records are "out of date because she has some 'immunizations' she hasn't had yet." She's 12 and would normally be entering 7th grade next school year, and here in FL, there's some vaccines that are required for 7th graders to attend public school, even if they are enrolled in a public school sponsored homeschool program. However, she's not enrolled in any state sponsored program. We handle her education personally.
After haggling with the receptionist for about 10 minutes and being asked repeatedly why I needed her shot records, to which I responded it was well within my rights as a parent to not only demand a copy but to be given one at any time without any reason, she finally put me on hold to wait for their "shit record specialist." When that person got on the line the haggling continued. Again, I was repeatedly asked why, so I just said we were moving, I want sure which school she'd be going to or if I'd be enrolling her in any school, but the stonewalling continued. She kept telling me that my daughter's shit records were "out of date" and that I had agreed to having her vaccinated for her "12 yr old shots" (which I had done no such thing), and that until I got her "immunizations up to date," I couldn't get a copy.
We both were not about to budge, so I finally asked if I could get the code and serial number that office uses on the State's health dept website to pring it off myself and was told they don't give that info out. Even though it specifically says on that website that if a patient or patient representative asks for the code, the code shall be given. Notice the word shall. It's government speak for a direct order, as in it has to be followed. After getting nowhere for over 30 minutes, I finally asked if the staff there gets any kickbacks from any of the Big Pharma corps(es) for these vaccines, and was promptly told to go to the county's health dept for her records and was immediately hung up on.
That's when it became clear that this office receives kickbacks. There's no other logical reason why I would be hung up on so unceremoniously and rudely.
So, I called the health dept, told them what had just transpired, and was told none of that should've happened, that the State has certain requirements for physical schools but not in this instance, and that I should've been given a copy. I asked if it could've still been printed off at the Dr's office and was told yes. Her shot records aren't expired at all and they should've been printed off, but that I can just go down there and get a copy myself without an appointment.
This is the ONLY time I've ever had any issues with this pediatrician's office in the 25+ yrs I've had my kids seem there. But it will be the last time I have any children seen there.
So ,yes, Dr's offices all over the world are getting kickbacks from these pharmaceutical companies.
And the medical industry wonders why the public's trust is waning. Go figure.
This is terrible and I'm sorry you had to go through this. Patients have the right to have their medical record history when requested. I hope you report this practice to the state board that licenses the doctor. If you can't do that, then at least let the doctor or another licensed professional know what transpired. These folks who answer the phone do not go to college to get those jobs, and aren't always aware of the regulations.
I'm still mad about this! If you want to pm me the state you live in, I'll figure out how you can report this. These people who work in medical offices always piss me off. I had one who tried to charge me for a no show for an appointment I was rescheduling for the next week. Over and over I tried to explain to her that it was not possible that I no showed for a future date, but she argued and then got the manager to come argue, etc etc. Crazy.