So just did a quick search on Google of "anthony bourdain child trafficking documentary" and theres like 20 fact-checker websites that come up.
Tells me that this was probably true if they are trying to hide it so much. I noticed they are also removing a lot of sites that had the evidence from their search engine too.
meh... I think anyone who achieves cult celeb status from CNN and is romantically connected to a Satanist was neck deep in all of it.
Anyone that can 'guarantee' your claim needs to show proofs...
It's pure speculation, otherwise.
Had to pull from yandex. Google scrubbed searches. The fact google removes these articles more proof.
Ya maybe just human sacrifice to moloch. But I thought they reserve children for that?
Whacking liabilities to the Cult and human sacrifice are not mutually exclusive.
FYI. CNN hires ex satanic CIA. Aka Anderson Cooper