...They genuinely thought they were each controlled by different factions that had no causal relationship. Until Q. Now they realize they're all connected in some way by the same scheme. The pawns that sold their souls never realized this was the caveat. They believed it was all totally under control forever (and it is) - but controlled by true evil that has no loyalty to man. The families will turn them in (by design), and that's what has the others pissing their pants. They can feel that they're being used to bring Trump back into the spotlight via CNN townhalls, news stories and Qanon FBI releases ... etc. And they can't do anything about it accept do what they're told... just like when they were forced to bash Trump ... now they're being forced to bring him into the open looking cleaner - and they won't stop it. They can't. They're more afraid of their allies than their foes. Cartel-like shit..
It is what it is.
The evil doesn't go away in this world .. until Jesus banishes it. And even then - it comes back a 1000 years later to take our kin out. And, I assume, we start over again somewhere else.
A GREAT thought about what is going on...I have noticed something of what you speak about and EVERYONE is sitting on pins & needles...that is why the "justice dept" is going to go for higher charges of documents at Mar-a-Lago.
AND PRESIDENT TRUMP HAS ALL THE TAPES WHICH MEANS: HE HAS PRIM A FASCIA EVIDENCE that CANNOT be refuted....OOOPS...some .gov types are about to walk into a mine field...sucks to be them!!!!