Brother, thank you for taking the cursing that was about to come from my lips and redirecting it to God's glory. Lord, change this women's heart. Show her the preciousness of the life of a child. Help to mold her ears so that the cries of loneliness no longer offend, but are a joy for the heart that an opportunity is present to show a child love. For the prayers of the Holy fathers, and in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ whose name is blessed forever and ever, please hear and grant my prayer, oh Lord. Amen.
Brother, thank you for taking the cursing that was about to come from my lips and redirecting it to God's glory. Lord, change this women's heart. Show her the preciousness of the life of a child. Help to mold her ears so that the cries of loneliness no longer offend, but are a joy for the heart that an opportunity is present to show a child love. For the prayers of the Holy fathers, and in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ whose name is blessed forever and ever, please hear and grant my prayer, oh Lord. Amen.
Amen, and thank you for your openness.