Montana becomes the first state to ban drag queen story hour
LET'S GOOoOoooo!!!
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In reality this is adults running around naked in front of children. Porn. Already laws to prevent this.
Just another example of those who worship moloch (or self, satan, insert pronown here)
This path they are showing only leads to denying anything Christian and it will desolate all western countries. Very fast.
The saying freedom of religion is saying people can freely worship these ideologies only leads to them claiming these things are part of their religion. Moloch requires it.
So in doing their religion also requires to get rid of the constitution—and that is their goal on a few different fronts.
I do not believe they will win, but it is already messy and even some hard core people who refuse to accept that they are being super spiritual while they laugh at your ignorance of politics.
Pretty exciting really. We are seeing what the western countries and the USA is made of.