Here's my problem with all of it. Why was it such a dud, and where did the flu go? It's almost like they SAID something was released, but was it? Was it really? Or was it all done to bring down the entire pharmaceutical cabal, without releasing it?
Something is just way off with all of it. I firmly believe every word he's saying here, but I don't see any real world evidence of an actual deadly virus being released. I see them using flu numbers, then mistreating patients, thus killing them.
So, the flu just disappeared? From 40 million cases to 2,000? So, where did the flu go? Also, isn't it strange that this deadly pandemic didn't cause a flood of excess deaths? Everywhere, the age of Covid death was HIGHER than the average lifespan. It's almost like they took the numbers of people who died naturally, called them Covid, and ended up with a higher age, because they couldn't use young deaths from car crashes, suicides, etc.
By the way, the PCR test was developed BEFORE Covid. Did anyone take the time to ask what the hell else would give a positive result?
I have had varying levels of the flu in my life. Some were so bad I just wanted to die. Others, not so much.
Here's my problem with all of it. Why was it such a dud, and where did the flu go? It's almost like they SAID something was released, but was it? Was it really? Or was it all done to bring down the entire pharmaceutical cabal, without releasing it?
Something is just way off with all of it. I firmly believe every word he's saying here, but I don't see any real world evidence of an actual deadly virus being released. I see them using flu numbers, then mistreating patients, thus killing them.
If you’ve had it you wouldn’t ask. It’s def different than the cold/flu. Ftr I was originally adamant about it being fake too until I caught it.
So, the flu just disappeared? From 40 million cases to 2,000? So, where did the flu go? Also, isn't it strange that this deadly pandemic didn't cause a flood of excess deaths? Everywhere, the age of Covid death was HIGHER than the average lifespan. It's almost like they took the numbers of people who died naturally, called them Covid, and ended up with a higher age, because they couldn't use young deaths from car crashes, suicides, etc.
By the way, the PCR test was developed BEFORE Covid. Did anyone take the time to ask what the hell else would give a positive result?
I have had varying levels of the flu in my life. Some were so bad I just wanted to die. Others, not so much.
Exactly. It had to have been the flu. All other explanations run up against that same question: where did the flu go?
A: nowhere.
Doesn’t have to be mutually exclusive
It was the flu all along. You fell for the propaganda.