The biggest financier of Fake News and GUILTY of Genocide.
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The fallacy of modern medicine needs to die. It will be a painful journey for many of us. The truth is that there are forces behind the curtain reaping significant profit in the dealing of all drugs. Legal and illegal both. Do you realize that there were no Federal laws pertaining to drugs until 1909? Then came prohibition of alcohol. A total failure as it just made those who were willing to risk jail for profits rich.
Then came Cannabis. In all its forms. A family of plants humans have been using since the beginning of our recorded history... probably much longer than that. Of all the plant species out there I believe it is the most useful agricultural crop known to mankind. Feel free to look into that on your own. As for me I went from a happy stoner to an ANGRY American in a single evening reading "The Emperor Wears No Clothes" by Jack E. Herer. To date I know of no one collecting the $100,000 bounty the author offered to anyone who could disprove any part of his publication. The book covers the Rockefeller makeover if not takeover of the AMA.