St. Ignatius Loyola - founder of the Jesuit Order (the Vatican's first version of the CIA, basically) was once quoted saying give them to me when they are young and the possibilities are endless. He was of course referring to molding the minds of children like clay.
There is a Bible scripture that says, 'Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.' Proverbs 22:6
This statement is true for both good and for evil, it is just a simple truth. You can only change a nation by changing its children. When communism is thrust upon nations, like Russia and China, history shows, hundreds of millions must be killed to do it at the edge of a blade with brute force.
The Kazarian Marxists learned from history and wrote volume upon volume of strategies on how to change a nation through subtlety. It is by perverting the minds of the youth with any and every profane anti-life, anti-freedom philosophy they can push the child towards, while convincing the child they're taking the true moral high ground. Psychologically It is identical to grooming a child for sexual exploitation.
Convert the children and you have willing soldiers for life.
In 1950 it was a daunting challenge to take over a nation like the US who had a distinct set of moral values, love of God, love of country and love of freedom, ethics, and a good education system.
The Marxist used a multi-pronged approach, they infiltrated higher education, public office, Hollywood and media, medicine, law and commerce.
Through public office they gave monetary incentive to destroying marriages and encouraging single family homes. If you weaken the family and break apart relationships it is much easier to inject your soothing lies into the heart broken.
The 1950's and 60's saw mass infiltration of communist thought into our Universities, law, media and entertainment one drip at a time. 3 generations later the fruit of their effort is visible as a flood of lunacy at every turn.
Here is a scary fact, history has shown that when two thirds of a populace agrees to be godless they utterly destroy the one third that kept their candle of sanity burning bright. History also shows once they devour the productive they instantly turn on themselves and bring their empire to ruble.
We are at that precipice because the vast majority of this next batch of children who are soon to be of voting age are godless unproductive self-absorbed media mind-controlled sociopaths with no conscience.
I wrote this with the intention of getting to my point on some solutions specifically with education but I did the math while writing this and can see that short of being just as bad and culling the herd of the indoctrinated it is already to late to win this battle with out Devine intervention.
This post is already too long, if yawl want to hear my simple grass roots solution to taking your children back, I'll leave it in the comments section.
Exactly! Start with the Red states and expand. School choice is the engine starter. That is why the enemy fights so hard against it. In parallel purge and reset the public schools and colleges. Trump has hit upon one of the key weapons: accreditation. Without accreditation, their degree/diploma is worthless and they will lose all of their students. A powerful compliance tool. Regarding the public schools, there are several items, but one key one is to significantly incentivize/force compliance to have a greater percentage of men (real men). Military just being one source.
The solution to saving this nation is by saving our youth and may seem draconian but it is not at all when compared with the peril that lies in wait for your kids in this new US of Insanity.
Step one, if you do not regularly read the Bible then start now. How can you teach your child something if you have not mastered the subject yourself.
Step two, No cell phones or private internet access allowed at all before they are of adult age and move out of your house. Any media, music, movies, etc. must be strictly controlled. We are talking total techno lock down, no exceptions.
Step three, remove your children from public school and use the good things the net can offer like home education.
Step four, network home schooling groups together with like minded parents, to allow gatherings for socialization but gatherings should be strictly monitored even if remote from camera and audio feed, someone needs to review all social gatherings for corruption that can be introduced by children planted in the groups to sow seeds of rebellion.
If any one of these steps is skipped then don't bother because the world is so vile right now nothing can keep your kids safe unless you isolate them from the evil.
If half of the parents out there began home schooling networks the public school system would collapse. The free market would flourish and good teachers no longer restrained by evil policy would begin small in group classes of no more than six students. All class time would be monitored and review to make sure teachers not poisoning the mind with weird ideologies and so on.
On a grass roots level we could create a new vibrant market place of educational commerce while simultaneously wiping out an ancient dragon that can no longer fly.
Children of single parents are often stuck in the public school system. It would be a significant land grab if home schooling communities could take in children of single parents, give them 9-5 care, and a quality education. That would make a huge impact.
Exactly, imagine a fatherless inner city kid getting to join a small group in the burbs and seeing a different would. It would truly change the nation and fairly quickly but none of it works without instilling foundational biblical truths that this country was founded on.
A constitutional republic is not possible without a united moral code based on such things as you shall not kill, you shall bare false witness against your neighbor, you shall not covet your neighbor's wife or steal their possessions.
Wow that was well written! Thank you for condensing so much thought. I wish I had that skill.
Ironically, Putin, an ex-KGB sounds so much more rational saying they tried all that in the Soviet union and it failed miserably. The west never got the message it seems. Please give us your thinking regarding a possible solution.
Thank you for your kind words, See below for one step of my solution to take back nation by taking back our children.
, it was indoctrination. I was very much into my religion as a child, and when I went to films, it made me uneasy, and slowly, I was infested with their belief system. Not that I gave up my beliefs, but they weakened and I questioned more and more. And then, we went through the sixties, and all hell broke loose. No one was immune to the "new" ways of thinking and behaving. The "Pill" appeared, and there was no more need for chastity. Everything just broke down. Then the Seventies: Wow! No one I know remained married. EVERYONE divorced and there were such things as "swinging" and "open marriages". It was mind boggling, to say the least. By the Eighties, I, too, divorced and years of sadness followed. I thought happiness would follow, but it did not. New adventures and experiences followed, but never happiness.
Now, many years later, I search for the key to happiness, and find it in God and in beauty, much like the ancient Greeks. Truth and beauty. Truth and beauty. And now we are in perhaps the final war for human souls, and we must fight for truth and beauty. This is my place for political truth. For beauty, I look at my flowers and trees, my dogs, the bees and especially my church. Beauty has not been erased, but certainly we cannot look to the arts for it any longer. I used to be a professional musician, but the music got uglier and uglier and now I do not perform it any longer. Art got uglier and uglier and I do not travel to museums to see it, as I once did. I once took a bus to Assisi to see the Giotto frescoes, and the experience did not disappoint. Now, to go to a gallery or museum one must be ready to be disgusted by the ugliness that is called "art". I can't take it. So, frens, find the beauty in and around you and come here for the truth of our political scene. God bless you all.