Ron DeSantis will turn out to be one of the most selfless individuals to have ever served this nation...
NOTE: One alternative theory that holds water is that Ron and others have been assured by the DS that Trump will be removed from the chess board...
It’s an act. The more abhorrent DeSantis looks the better Trump does...
DeSantis is pouring gasoline on his political capital and striking the match...
Because he volunteered...
- He can’t hurt Trump...
- He can get mad media coverage and red pill like a machine...
- Letting Trump wipe the floor with him will dissuade lesser candidates from entering the race...
- He is in line for 2028...
- He is going to soak up the RNC and dirt bag donor war chest...
- He is going to tease out and clearly identify every anti-Trump douche whistler along the way...
I can determine no other rational reason for DeSantis to step in front of the Trump firing squad, give up his cushy job and flush his political creds down the drain...
The Ron-Don war is theatre...
I believe that you are mostly correct. He appears to me to be part of the "movie", acting in a part to drain rhino resources and expose disloyalty. DeSantis has done many good things for Florida (Trumps home state, where the Winter White House is located), and he isn't stupid. Of course, time will tell and I'm trying to see this from a 40K foot view.