I go to a solid Bible-preaching church that will even go so far as to make controversial changes if it means that the changes can make it's policies more closely aligned with the Biblical example of proper church governance and structure.
The senior pastor is of the opinion that if things were really bad, people would, in their own self interest, report what was really going on because of the publicity and fame that would come from breaking major stories about corruption. He's open to reading articles I send, but holds to the myth of left and right wing news sources and tries to only give much credence to ones he believes to be more neutral.
I've tried doing research to find some solid sources that show just how corrupt most of the media is and how even the middle-ground are compromised and participate in government-directed censorship and or collusion but don't have enough time on my hands to find the articles on the topic that I've read before. Currently, his view is that Trump legitimately lost because no middle-ground sources reported the election fraud of being genuine, so additional information about the fraud from direct sources would be helpful as well.
I'm currently trying to find a job that will allow me to better support my family, am helping to do market and business plan research for a restaurant effort, and am racing to finish writing a fantasy novel that God has placed on my heart to finish as quickly as possible, so any help would be appreciated.
My hope is that by informing him, it will start a ripple effect through the church. And nothing about the jabs, please. I believe his wife was injured by it and that there have been members of the congregation that died from it, so I don't feel that they're ready for that revelation yet.
What you ask exposes a problem that has happened in the information space, and is increasingly getting worse. I prefer reading articles, because I can skim quickly, and then if it matches what I'm looking for, I can read more slowly and lift out of it the important points.
But what has happened is people are getting lazy, and don't want to write any longer. They are incentivized to make videos because of ad revenue, so that's the medium of choice. I have no time to watch video after video to try to gain new insight. Nine times out of ten, the content creators have no script, and they just ramble off the top of their heads. It comes across disorganized, and is generally a waste of time.
Even when I do find articles of note, the writers often don't know how to compose, or even possess an understanding of grammar and/or spelling. Writers publish what they write, without an editorial go-between. What they write comes across as sophomoric, and loses credibility.
I think I understand what you're looking for, however, it may be buried inside a video and not available as a concise written piece. I long for the days of discipline, where people took some pride in the information they wish to disseminate.