posted ago by Richmanstrick ago by Richmanstrick +34 / -1


Debt Ceiling

Major failed banks

G7 Meetings

Massive Government Bailouts for the wealthy

Fednow launch in July 2023



Pakistan, Srilanka, Kenya, Tunisia, India, Ghana, Zambia and Bangladesh are all in the middle of economic crisis due to IMF loans. Some on the verge of collapse.

ALL at the same time. It is happening in the open, in front of us, anyone notice?

I listened to a podcast with someone I was not familiar with. It was a leak from the WEF and the G7. The speaker said the only way to implement CBDC is with a HUGE shock to the public. Larger than anything the world has ever experienced. Maybe An announcement of nuclear war; using the Media. And who is that scapegoat? Russia of course.

He said we don't necessarily need for something to actually happen, but the public will comply out of fear, just like they complied with Covid. He said, we can continue with implementing our Reset based on the huge success of the Covid experiment.

I have to ask myself, is this real or a joke? I don't know anymore; yet here it is lining up. This is so SICK.