Watching events in Texas and McCarthy's continued capitulation, it's impossible not to consider that Trump will face a 3rd Impeachment, but this time it will be led by Traitor RINO's..
Watergate 1000x
Remember, it was Republicans, led by HW Bush in the GOP that led to the resignation of Nixon.
These comments show who is and who isn't paying attention... Not to whatever tripe is broadcast as a distraction, but facts, laws and orders. The military is the only way. That's NOT an opinion. It's a verifiable fact. But some of you are completely addicted to the shindig/craic and just can't put it down... it's because MSM and govt school fucked your brain up so badly that you are incapable of knowing any other way.
I'll bet you my substantial yearly beer budget(Sam Adams)..there will NEVER be a Military intervention. I'm making that bet as 22yr Vet