New at PHX Sky Harbor Intl., it appeared as if they were actually training TSA on the new facial recognition system at airport security now, FYI they don't tell you its optional, they just quickly herd everyone through as if its mandatory.
I asked questions;
Me: What is this for?
Me: isn’t that why I hand you my ID card?
Me: is this not optional?
TSA: You just have to ask for the camera to be turned off, do you want the camera off?
Me: yes, turn the camera off.
All you have to do is say turn the camera off, then they have to match you to your ID picture, just like they've always done. When they turned off the camera, it locked up the system and fouled the checkpoint station, I had to move to another station. DO NOT COMPLY! make them turn off the camera, and interrupt their bullshit operation. TSA procedures are all unconstitutional, Patriot Act is based on lies, DS killed a bunch of Americans on 911 to launch their “security”agenda. Safe travels Patriots.
When I used to fly every week the years leading up to covid I would screw with the TSA standing right outside of the scanners. I had the highest status you could get on the airline I flew, was pre-check, and global entry. I always opted out from the scanners, and the best part -- I would wear one of my old Nuclear Regulatory Commission polo shirts whenever I flew. I used to be an NRC Cyber Inspector.
While I was getting the pat-down I would talk to the TSA goon and tell them they were probably all going to get cancer standing so close to those machines. When they noticed my NRC shirt with the big government logo on it you could see the color run from their faces. That was my favorite part of traveling.
That is exactly what I did since I always had time as they most times delayed the secondary screening staff. Ask about the lack of dosimeters. Ask why X-ray techs wear lead smocks and tsa doesn’t. Put the doubt and fear into their heads. Was good sport.