Absolutely no surprise. You cannot expect a politician that is constantly part of the spending problem to do anything to end it. He sided with the Uniparty again. Can someone please explain why DJT and MTG pushed so hard for McCarthy to be Speaker? I wonder how much of that $4T increase will end up going to Ukraine (Zelinsky) and the pockets of Soros, the Dems, the Rinos and to support LBGTQ, illegals, more bioweapons. This isn't putting lipstick on a pig, it's putting more fat on a hog that's already too big to move.. And what did McCarthy get in return? Ready for it...."PROMISES". Yep. And We The People are supposed to watch our taxes go thru the roof and happily pay OUR fair share of this debacle, in other words, for all of it.
I gotta chill before I write something I might regret
Working on strategy to get my full property title and force county to sign a deed quit claim so they cannot legally collect property taxes once they no longer hold the full title.
Duplicating method being used by the elites of buying property with gold and silver (Constitutional money) and then demanding full property title from the city or country (whoever is holding it is who is collecting rent in the form of property taxes). The elites do this and then put the property into a Trust so it is untouchable by the city, county, state, and Feds. This is how they can afford to hold such expensive properties. They are not paying property taxes because they have the full title held in an untouchable Trust.
That's very interesting regarding the turds way of avoiding the illegal property taxation....it sure figures. The same thing COULD be done with a car because the effing state has all the titles; they give us CERTIFICATES of Title--pretty much meaningless.
I had a friend in Michigan who had been working on the land patent process. He got a hellacious amount of crap from his town. They had the last word though. During muh-covid, he ended up in the hospital and they killed this wonderful, very knowledgeable man.
Consider: if the very ignorant people ever woke up to this scam, all they'd have to do is, en masse, tell the turds HELL NO.....no more property taxes (income as well). THEN they'd be listening to the people. As it is now, they have a ready pot of gold to steal and spend as they please. Nothing short of a total cessation of those funds--a refusal to pay a penny more will do it. Our government is bloated beyond comprehension at all levels. THIS would send the filthy rats scurrying for cover.