And yes, very often cities vote totally different as the rest, often cities vote democratic parties.
Makes sense: In the cities the people are more dependant on social mechanisms and social life due to living very close together. While in the country the independance, self-sufficiency, connection to family and more conservative living is dominant.
Just think about the fact, how much changed with the industrial revolution. Before 90% lived from the land in the countryside. Then, especially through the socialistic and communistic revolutions and progroms worldwide this changed. It lead to more people living in cities, working in factories and immigrating to America.
And just like Industrial Revolution 1.0 the industrial revolution 4.0 (now!) was not happening by itself - it was an agenda, carried out by evil people, who speculate/bet on these things.
perhpaps this map is helpful as a background to the election -
And yes, very often cities vote totally different as the rest, often cities vote democratic parties.
Makes sense: In the cities the people are more dependant on social mechanisms and social life due to living very close together. While in the country the independance, self-sufficiency, connection to family and more conservative living is dominant.
Just think about the fact, how much changed with the industrial revolution. Before 90% lived from the land in the countryside. Then, especially through the socialistic and communistic revolutions and progroms worldwide this changed. It lead to more people living in cities, working in factories and immigrating to America.
And just like Industrial Revolution 1.0 the industrial revolution 4.0 (now!) was not happening by itself - it was an agenda, carried out by evil people, who speculate/bet on these things.
The people in these cities are very cucked