Forget all the complex arguments explaining why we must resist the WHO treaty amendments.
All you need to know is who'll be in charge of the WHO's Behavioural Insights team enforcing future lockdowns & vaxx mandates - without our Govt consent
(60 seconds - watch until end!!)🔥 🤩 🔥
🧐 Research Wanted 🤔
Nothing to WHO, UN or NATO says or does overrules the US. Constitution and Bill of Rights. SO, Anyone that attempts this or signs an 'agreement' with these Communist slugs is committing Treason.
All of them need dragging out and publicly executed. They are utterly DEMONIC FILTH.
https://i2i.org/can-treaties-override-the-constitution-an-issue-posed-by-bond-v-united-states/ (Article from 1913)
They might be able to get around any legal obstacles by putting the provisions in a treaty. As far as treason is concerned, that can only be committed by conservatives and even then, only if their actions impede the globalists’ objectives. Anything done by a progressive is A-OK (unless, of course, it impedes the globalists’ objectives - but how often does that happen?)
“ . . . the Founding-Era evidence strongly suggests that the Treaty Power DOES enable the federal government to regulate many matters over which it might not otherwise have jurisdiction. If the President and two thirds of the Senate adopt a treaty regulating such matters, Congress may use its incidental authority under the Necessary and Proper Clause to enact laws carrying out that treaty. In this way, Congress may regulate subjects otherwise outside its sphere.”
Of course 'they' will attempt to get around the Rule of Law. Sorry but I do not have time right now to look it up but i remember the words of something like 'Any law made in conflict with the US. Constitution is null and void' and they Know, giving a Foreign power Control over the US. is Treason.