We don't know when it will happen, but we do know it will happen. Eventually, the 'plan' will come to fruition. And I'm sure we all want to be at our healthiest and best when that happens.
I was thinking that perhaps we could have an ongoing thread where those interested would post their routines and even questions about how each of us can be our healthiest. I'm sure there are those here who are bodybuilders, for instance. Perhaps they could post about what they do, what they eat, etc. There are probably those who want to get in better shape. Perhaps they could post questions specific to their concerns and the frens could answer.
For instance, I would love to know what my fellow frogs are doing on a daily or weekly basis to keep fit.
Exercising? (What kind)
Eating a certain way? (what, specifically)
Taking supplements? (which ones)
Let's help each other get as strong as we can, physically and mentally. And if people are interested in this idea and would like to partake, I will eventually post some info about our spiritual health, as well. What do you say, frogs? Are you ready to get in the best shape of your life? Let's gooo!
Great advice! And the non-negotiable part is key, I think. You do it automatically, just like you automatically brush your teeth or eat a meal. And once it gets under your skin, you find yourself wanting to do it. If you've got any specific advice for people about lifting, please post it when you get a chance. Lady Boothall above mentioned she'd like to lose some weight, for instance. Perhaps you could post some advice for her and others wanting to drop weight.
Lift a weight until you can't anymore, then see how many more you can do. Your mind will tell you you're done before your body does. Whether that's 6 or 20, do what you can. If you can keep going after 20 reps, next time grab a heavier weight. Do one set, two sets, or three sets for each muscle group. Do them one after another, or do them in a rotation (ie 1 set for the chest, one set for the triceps, one set for calves, then repeat chest, tris, calves... etc). Do what you can. As long as you are lifting, and going to true failure (body failure, not mind failure), you are doing it right. Don't get too caught up in the "experts". If you lift one side, lift the other. If you lift something on the front of your body, lift the opposite muscles on the back. It's not rocket science, but it works! Also, weed whacking for two or three hours is a good upper body workout. I just learned that this weekend for sure! Turn on the TV, or a good radio station, podcast, or whatever, and just pick up the weights!
weed wacking, lol. But thanks, that's good advice. I've always heard to go to exhaustion, but truthfully, I haven't. I will do that now.