We don't know when it will happen, but we do know it will happen. Eventually, the 'plan' will come to fruition. And I'm sure we all want to be at our healthiest and best when that happens.
I was thinking that perhaps we could have an ongoing thread where those interested would post their routines and even questions about how each of us can be our healthiest. I'm sure there are those here who are bodybuilders, for instance. Perhaps they could post about what they do, what they eat, etc. There are probably those who want to get in better shape. Perhaps they could post questions specific to their concerns and the frens could answer.
For instance, I would love to know what my fellow frogs are doing on a daily or weekly basis to keep fit.
Exercising? (What kind)
Eating a certain way? (what, specifically)
Taking supplements? (which ones)
Let's help each other get as strong as we can, physically and mentally. And if people are interested in this idea and would like to partake, I will eventually post some info about our spiritual health, as well. What do you say, frogs? Are you ready to get in the best shape of your life? Let's gooo!
I have probably been doing it close to 5 1/2 years time flies.
The hardest thing was giving up carbs, I am an Idaho Farm boy and grew up eating meat and potatoes. Spuds are pure carbs and carbs are addicting and have the same withdrawals symptoms as alcohol which is another carb. It takes about 30 to 60 days to get past carb withdrawals.
About breathing, short shallow breaths don't exchange enough volume in the lungs and induce stress. Long deep breaths through the nose (for nitric oxide) using the diaphragm oxygenate the system and relax it, lowering the heart rate. Same as Wim Hof, yoga, meditation, free diving, etc. I put breathing first because it is the most important and after you do it properly for about 6 months it becomes automatic.
I try to always breathe this way, even if I do a sprint I slowly exhale the entire distance. Up to about 10 seconds : )
That's amazing, fren. What a lifestyle change! It's almost hard to wrap my head around eating only meat. It seems like it would affect / touch every aspect of your life. Even with other people, like wife and kids, socializing with friends, going out to eat at a restaurant, etc. Very interesting. Thanks. And thanks for explaining about the breathing. I had thought you meant you do it for a period of time each day, but you have managed to change so that this is how you breathe all the time. Very interesting. You list of benefits is compelling. Thanks. And I hope you'll stick around and post about your techniques sometimes in the daily threads. I'm sure others would like to learn about your success. Thanks!
Yes, the carnivore lifestyle complete changed my life, but not how I expected. Yes my health improved dramatically and my wife joined in after a year or so of seeing the improvements.
The biggest change was how I viewed everything I had been taught and thought I knew. The whole Medical/insurance/pharma industry is a sham, the key to good health is simply eating nutritious, species appropriate food, which for us is fat and protein. 90% of our medical problems are caused by our diet and the other 10% can be cured with antibiotics.
The biggest lies are completely ignoring the Truth like the War on Cancer > don’t eat carbs, Climate Change > Ideal Gas Law, War on Terror > CIA, War in Ukraine > Western Imperialism, Covid19 vaccination > Ivermectin, Free Trade > Economic War, nuclear weapons > heat ≠ PSI, etc.
They lie by censoring the truth.
Indeed. I think the last few years have woken up a lot of people to the enormity of the lies we've been told and the truths that have been censored. Still, there are sooo many more people who need to wake up. Thanks for the comment.