Maybe WH's are saving a crash for a bit later?
Maybe the cabal still has cards to play?
Am I wrong in thinking that the system needs to come down, including a stock market crash, in order to reveal the precipice moment?
Discussion and opinions welcome. Looking for insights related to whether or not the stock market will be part of the precipice.
It is very much on feet of clay though.
State Farm announced they are no longer writing new business for homeowners in CA - largest market in the US. (Inforce business is okay for now, but who knows 6-12 months from now?)
Insurance by law has to invest conservatively so they are in for some tough times given all the interest rate hikes. AIG pulled out at the beginning of 2022. Others are tightening up. Another domino in a shaky economy. What happens when you can't sell your property because no one can qualify for a loan because they cannot secure homeowners because the carriers aren't selling it?