That would explain why Democrats and RINOs have been pushing so hard on legalizing marijuana. I thought it was for the extra sin tax, but this is clearly another gun grab scheme.
BTW, I'm more of a libertarian when it comes to things like this - do what you want in private, don't force it on me, and don't let your choices cause me harm (DUI), or make me pay extra (Insurance, etc)
That would explain why Democrats and RINOs have been pushing so hard on legalizing marijuana. I thought it was for the extra sin tax, but this is clearly another gun grab scheme.
Good point about the stress therapy - noticed that at work - all kinds of "programs" designed to help deal with stress - sign up today.
I'm not a toker, so no worries there fren.
BTW, I'm more of a libertarian when it comes to things like this - do what you want in private, don't force it on me, and don't let your choices cause me harm (DUI), or make me pay extra (Insurance, etc)