identify as one
They will try to cover it up, but it'll bring more heat to it.
Had to be to burn evidence, Epstein tapes and all that type of stuff . burn it all before trump can find it...
Which armed forces is "military" referring to? Armed civilian or armed government?
I can see that and think the same for the most part, but he is getting more done in this fight than I am. Either way let him rip em apart.
americium in those smoke detectors.
can be, but also depends on the wind. It was pretty windy so it makes it sus, but stranger things have happened. I still think that they knew a hot and windy day would come and they were waiting for the proper conditions to light it up, lasers or other.
Just an actor exposing the CIA money laundering. Although this actor was a criminal and his life was spared to play a role.
doesn't mean it's not there. I see an X, A, I, for XAI, but also see the broken cross...
either way, seems like if one new the weather patterns, the would know exactly where to start it and let it rip. By design the fire was.
When Dave Chappelle did his skit... that's when I realized it was changing and the windows was shifting by design and control. Here we go with Fetterman
I'm starting to think that this is on purpose to expose the tunnels and other networks, and also to destroy evidence. Letting the fire get this big was intentional. Same as Hawaii, I think they are trying to hide the evidence in a few of these homes so they burn them all down. Just like taking out an airplane to get 1 or 2 people...
Tom feeling bad about going on FB but he needs to make $$$ so who cares.
Indeed. When the medals are removed there will be noise... and in this noise the declass of what these criminals have done will come out right as these lefties are angry that the medals are being removed. So right as they are screaming saying these are good people, that would be a great time to show and humiliate them how they worship evil scum.
The movie is needed to un brainwash in the same way they brainwashed. Interesting methods of deprogramming.
If Canada joins the USA, do you now how many will move south INSTANTLY...
Lol they want "right wingers" they purged to go back on facebook... it's a big club and we ain't in it thankfully.
I'll try, this is about the different calendar systems that exist. We are using the "Gregorian" calendar what was widely implemented in 1582. There also exists the "Julian" Calendar from 45BC, and many more. To add onto this, the change in calendars shifted the holy days and Christmas/Easter may actually be at the wrong time of year... but that's another rabbit hole.
So they are saying that one of those calendars she is looking at says that Jan 20th, alights with April 20th. Easter 2025 is April 20, and that is also Jan 20. Possibly related to Q-post 984?
Anyone with that many tattoos isn't fit for any leadership position. Weak mind and hatred of one's body and temple...
They did send him to jail and harass his family and pretty much give him hell for years... His mission is simple and he's risking a lot since the UK has no 1st amendment... also the cops would probably help the illegals find and hurt him.
- they are weak and would rather have a cuck job than fight for their culture. 2. They also are rape monsters 3. they are selected to allow the monsters to go on freeeeee
Did you guys donate to anyone who ran for political office? I don't see a difference in money to "prophets" or politicians, you want the same thing from both of them.
Who benefits the most when interest rates go down? Stock market holders and bankers, who is the biggest friend to banks and corporations and wants negative rates? Who controls who? I'm very confused with how things are going.
once you get that chip in, then you'll be working the 996 CCP dream hours, sleep in the factory and you will like it...
and put on a faraday suit or you'll be cooking that brain with how much EMF is around you.