^ This. I went the university route. 3 decades of exec / office bullshit and after a lot of slog and drudgery and dealing with unfathomable nonsense, Iām settled and comfortable. Most of my contemporaries from school went the trades route and were made before 30. Now all sitting pretty paying others to do their work.
I am a father of an extremely bright kid who I am encouraging to avoid university like the plague and gravitate towards the trades and honest hard work and widely transferable real skills that solve real-world problems, not the bullshit problems of the corporate/executive clown world.
When I graduated high school, I kept switching majors in college. Ended up dropping out and working in construction. Now in my 30s, I bought land cash and build my own house for a fraction of the cost because I knew how to build houses. I'm 35 and own my land and house free and clear.
Well done, fren. I achieved the same end result eventually but my path took 20 years longer, was riddled with debt, stress, and poor health from being a desk bound drone commuter careerist, and replete with mountains of bullshit. You are the kind of positive model I will share with my kid.
Try getting into an Apprenticeship. Electricians make very good money, so do plumbers. But they have a dirtier job.
^ This. I went the university route. 3 decades of exec / office bullshit and after a lot of slog and drudgery and dealing with unfathomable nonsense, Iām settled and comfortable. Most of my contemporaries from school went the trades route and were made before 30. Now all sitting pretty paying others to do their work.
I am a father of an extremely bright kid who I am encouraging to avoid university like the plague and gravitate towards the trades and honest hard work and widely transferable real skills that solve real-world problems, not the bullshit problems of the corporate/executive clown world.
When I graduated high school, I kept switching majors in college. Ended up dropping out and working in construction. Now in my 30s, I bought land cash and build my own house for a fraction of the cost because I knew how to build houses. I'm 35 and own my land and house free and clear.
Well done, fren. I achieved the same end result eventually but my path took 20 years longer, was riddled with debt, stress, and poor health from being a desk bound drone commuter careerist, and replete with mountains of bullshit. You are the kind of positive model I will share with my kid.