First of all, you're awesome. You're in that rare 6-10% that doesn't allow their cognitive processes to be influenced by you're environment. That will serve you very well in life, although it does make finding friends a little more difficult.
There's some good advice in this thread on money and employment and I won't repeat it as it's already been well said, so I'll share something different.
I've been through some very difficult times in my life. Some of them I looked back and I didn't know how I managed to get through them. After going through a few of those times, I started hanging on to a phrase whenever I would go through another one:
"Some day this will all be in the rear view mirror."
As simple (and perhaps stupid) as that sounds, it's given me strength to get through some very difficult times because it's a reminder that I've been through some serious shit and came out stronger on the other side.
First of all, you're awesome. You're in that rare 6-10% that doesn't allow their cognitive processes to be influenced by you're environment. That will serve you very well in life, although it does make finding friends a little more difficult.
There's some good advice in this thread on money and employment and I won't repeat it as it's already been well said, so I'll share something different.
I've been through some very difficult times in my life. Some of them I looked back and I didn't know how I managed to get through them. After going through a few of those times, I started hanging on to a phrase whenever I would go through another one:
"Some day this will all be in the rear view mirror."
As simple (and perhaps stupid) as that sounds, it's given me strength to get through some very difficult times because it's a reminder that I've been through some serious shit and came out stronger on the other side.