30% is just the median income tax. Some states get up to around 50%. Then you pay property tax, sales tax, licences and fees for most things you do, and services fees for all the government services you use. On top of all that, the cost of most things you buy are inflated through restrictive taxes, fees and regulation. This still isn’t enough, so they borrow on your account. Everyone is technically bankrupt whether they realize it or not.
This also ignores social security and excise taxes, and if you're unlucky enough to own a business, they get you there too. The 30% is just one of four types of theft they engage in.
Add in payroll tax too. There are too many to count. The other sinister thing they do is that they rig the system to corral you into parking your money in their assets. Try to use your RRSP’s to invest in yourself or your own business and not a bunch of globo Wall Street firms and see how far you get.
30% is just the median income tax. Some states get up to around 50%. Then you pay property tax, sales tax, licences and fees for most things you do, and services fees for all the government services you use. On top of all that, the cost of most things you buy are inflated through restrictive taxes, fees and regulation. This still isn’t enough, so they borrow on your account. Everyone is technically bankrupt whether they realize it or not.
This also ignores social security and excise taxes, and if you're unlucky enough to own a business, they get you there too. The 30% is just one of four types of theft they engage in.
Add in payroll tax too. There are too many to count. The other sinister thing they do is that they rig the system to corral you into parking your money in their assets. Try to use your RRSP’s to invest in yourself or your own business and not a bunch of globo Wall Street firms and see how far you get.