Yikes, safe travels, fren. But I recently read that table salt has lots of other bad things (chemicals) added to it so maybe consider getting your iodine a different way?
Yes iodized table salt is bad. It is processed. But you need your iodine. What I do is take sea salts or Himalayan salts, and supplement with iodine each day or each week. IMHO that is the best. Lugol's drops, Kelp daily pills, or Sea Iodine weekly pills will do. Get your iodine so you'll be safe.
Alright, thank you. I had thought the himalayan had iodine, but apparently not. I'm familiar with Lugols, but to be honest, never thought they were for ingesting.
Yikes, safe travels, fren. But I recently read that table salt has lots of other bad things (chemicals) added to it so maybe consider getting your iodine a different way?
Yes iodized table salt is bad. It is processed. But you need your iodine. What I do is take sea salts or Himalayan salts, and supplement with iodine each day or each week. IMHO that is the best. Lugol's drops, Kelp daily pills, or Sea Iodine weekly pills will do. Get your iodine so you'll be safe.
Alright, thank you. I had thought the himalayan had iodine, but apparently not. I'm familiar with Lugols, but to be honest, never thought they were for ingesting.