This seems potentially monumental. They could potentially destroy the fiat dollar which may forever ruin the ability the US had to hit countries with sanctions. Saudi Arabia, Argentina, Indonesia and Egypt are considering joining in the alliance.
Exactly. Maybe we should raise awareness of BRICS creating a new gold-backed currency because it might be (unless our government makes it illegal, which would be pretty extreme but not out of the question) a good place to put some of our money for when the dollar eventually tanks.
On the other hand, gold-backed currency implies that BRICS has a lot of gold, which implies that the white hats don't have that gold or are in league with BRICS (which, for the reasons I mentioned earlier, seems problematic in itself)
To me, the whole issue needs a deep dive so that we can figure out how to best maneuver any storms that are coming our way.
Why don't also we join with BRICS? I assume each country that joins has their own gold.
It'd be better than what we've got right now.
We will. You just watch, fren. And don't worry.