37 THREAD: Proof that Obama is The Greatest President of all Time and Helped Black People More Than Donald Trump (threadreaderapp.com) 🌶️ - S P I C Y - 🌶️ posted 1 year ago by ThePowerOfPrayer 1 year ago by ThePowerOfPrayer +37 / -0 Thread by @dom_lucre on Thread Reader App @dom_lucre: THREAD: Proof that Obama is The Greatest President of all Time and Helped Black People More Than Donald Trump. On May 27, 2010, Washington, DC-based investigative journalist Wayne Madsen made a shocking ...… 11 comments share 11 comments share save hide report block hide replies
It's a trap. This guy lures in leftists and normies with headlines and then proves the opposite. It's really well done.
Read it.
You must not be familiar with Dom Lucre.
Damn. Lucre is strong. I learned all this shit in 2007 and stood by as the media ignored ALL of it. This is what red pilled me
Archived link - https://archive.ph/BgmTO
Explains BIG MIKE
oBaMuH pHoNe!
Exhibit A: HE BLACC
I rest muh case nyigguh