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I researched this extensively a year ago. Covered it in a video but it's long and scattered. I think there is a high probability it's a planet on a highly elliptical orbit that's setting the deadline, for numerous reasons:
Research was carried out by a university that demonstrated through calculations of gravitational abnormalities in the Kuiper belt that there is almost certainly a dark planet in orbit that we can't see.
They estimate it's size could be as large as Neptune and it's approximate orbital period is around 12k to 15k years.
This period coincides with the time of the great flood.
I can't remember them right now, but in my video I made numerous connections in the Q drops that further pointed to this being likely. I'll provide a link if you can sit through it. I need to make a much more concise version. This is critical but the few times I posted it I gets little to no traction.
I made some mistakes in my presentation, like saying it's a possibly a dwarf star. I now think it may be the fabled Nibaru. Some ancient planet cast into an eccentric orbit eons ago.
Link to the video: